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What's on? Crowns on heads!

Jonathan Tait

The 2024 Squash Club Champions!

Click this link to view the winners and runners up.


Winner – Dougie Kempsell


Winner – Robyn McAlpine


Winner – Anna Rennie


Winner – Struan Lind


Winner – Lewis Lind


Winner – Thomas Myers


Winner – Robyn McAlpine


Winner - John Green

Men Over 45

Winner- Paul Jenkins

Padel Levels

Please remember to pick up your stuff from the Padel courts, we have an awful lot of left property. If you have lost something we place items in the Home of Scottish Padel, aka the hut.

NB. Please please please put your ring pulls in the bins provided. Also car headlights are a reported issue, please do not sit with your lights on in the car park as players get quite a glare on the courts.

Racketball around Scotland aka RASTA

AGM January 30th at 6.30pm

All invited.

Rugby Six Nations.

If you're heading to the Six Nations, book a table with us for lunch pre-match!  A beautiful15 minute walk along the Water of Leith to Murrayfield!

Saturday 1st February v Italy

Sunday 9th February v Ireland

Saturday 8th March v Wales

email to reserve your table now!

Burns Supper

5050 December- Congratulations! Sign up here, minimum £5 a month.

GB Vets vs Scotland Vets

A squash match between GB Veterans and Scotland Veterans took place at Watsonians Squash Club on St Andrew’s Day, honoring the late great Jim Dougal and John Rae. The bi-annual tournament commemorates their legacy as distinguished players for Scotland. In a competitive afternoon, the GB team won 6-3. ESC's Colin Cruickshank and Dave Hickman represented the GB Veterans, and Colin Grant played for Scotland. The winning GB team is pictured.

On Tuesday 11th of February at 7pm join Alastair Allanach our resident club historian and archivist for a trip down ESC memory lane. Light refreshments included.

Save the date- Bistro 28th February

See you soon

JJ and Team

PS Been revisiting Inside No 9, good, really very good. Get it on catch up!

PPS The Traitors... you are all watching it now (just the first 5 minutes and the last 15)!



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